I've just finished reading Still Alice, by Lisa Genova. At least I don't have kids who have to live through this, too. I am alone, except for Jax. I rewatched Flowers for Algernon some time back.
I'm scared shitless. It's a different scared than that I'd have with too much scotch on board or being REALLY stoned. Always had a kinda switch I could throw and get my shit together. The switch is in bad shape if not completely broke.
Alice is a tenured Prof. in Psych. at Harvard. She has 25 years of academia behind her and then she begins to forget stuff. Just little stuff to begin with. Her mindlessness grows so she goes for medical opinion. She's shy of 50 yrs. old and diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers.
Book review finishes here.
My life has been well blessed. I was not born a Kurd. I was born in the best country in the world. I had free education through 12th grade; often bored shitless with the spoon feeding and then, there was my deafness. I always wanted to know more about just about everything. I've been very vain about my brain. That was once upon a time. I know now my grey matter is eating itself alive.
Decisions that used to take seconds now get fussed over for hours or days. I don't drive anymore and haven't for 10 yrs. or so. I'm not going to take anyone else out 'cause I f''d up.
I wake in some mornings and have no idea what day of the week it is. I still remember I'm in Tamaha and not in Glenelg. I also know I think and say 'I' waaaay too much.
There's no time table for those who have zombie brains. I could be able to know and function in my head for 2 months or 20 yrs. more. The science doesn't know and for damn straight, I have absolutely no idea when and how my noggin is gonna last. I think, if only I had been more vain about my body and my legs which were and still are absolutely gorgeous, maybe those would have been taken instead of my mind.
Always have enjoyed getting blitzed & imbibing booze. Right now, I'm thinking how much money would be in the bank if I'da had the patience to wait for this involuntary brain melt.
If any of you buds have loved ones with EOAD or just plain old Alzheimers, read Still Alice, if you can. It's rough. There's also a link that might be helpful : dasainternational.org..
GB, k.
Still ticking. Brain ain't what she used to be,she does still shine now & again. GB. Goodnight and Godspeed.